If you have edited a Wiki before you'll know that it doesn't use regular HTML like most websites do. I had to create a link in the Wiki that points to a file shared on a server like this: "\\servername\foldername\file.name" so little quick modification I changed it to look like this so it's recognized by a web browser: "file://servername/foldername/file.name" I could plop that into IE and it works perfectly but the Wiki still didn't know what to do with it. A few hours of Google searching later I was reading a forum on this problem and found my answer. Some one in one of the posts said the word "tiny" not referring to TinyURL but it made me think: "Hey that just might work!" You can take a look at www.tinyurl.com to see exactly how it works but basically it takes a long URL like this: "http://www.example.com/this/isnt/a/real/url/example.html" and turns it into something like this: "http://www.tinyurl.com/example"
what I did was put "file://servername/foldername/file.name" and it gave me "http://tinyurl.com/filename" and the Wiki like that just fine. so I've been super happy with TinyURL lately.
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