Congratulations it's a... Blog?

Congratulations it's a... Blog? Well now that it's here I really don't know what to do with it. Guess we will see...

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ya it does seem like I've been posting a lot but don't worry it will die down real fast. This one is a little off topic but I don't care. One of my responsibilities at work is to help add and modify our KB (Knowledge Base). this contains lots of information on our clients and how to quickly resolve issues that are specific to them. Our KB is done in a Wiki just like but you can only access it on our network.
If you have edited a Wiki before you'll know that it doesn't use regular HTML like most websites do. I had to create a link in the Wiki that points to a file shared on a server like this: "\\servername\foldername\" so little quick modification I changed it to look like this so it's recognized by a web browser: "file://servername/foldername/" I could plop that into IE and it works perfectly but the Wiki still didn't know what to do with it. A few hours of Google searching later I was reading a forum on this problem and found my answer. Some one in one of the posts said the word "tiny" not referring to TinyURL but it made me think: "Hey that just might work!" You can take a look at to see exactly how it works but basically it takes a long URL like this: "" and turns it into something like this: ""
what I did was put "file://servername/foldername/" and it gave me "" and the Wiki like that just fine. so I've been super happy with TinyURL lately.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bloggers Alright

So far I have started on Facebook, Blogger, and have created a Twitter but have done anything with it. Blogger is probably my favorite. This is because 1: it's easy to use and not nearly as cluttered as Facebook. In less time than it took to set up my Facebook page I was able to put up very customized and personalized Blog with little effort. 2: You have much more control over what is displayed. 3: Don't have to invite/be invited by everyone, no spam updates on what everyone is doing at all times, and hardly any advertisements. Does this mean I will be spending lots of time making posts on this blog??? No, but maybe more than anything else.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's only 1:30 AM and I have already finished all my work created a Blog and tried to understand the nonsense of Facebook and I have nothing to do... So wanted to add some more junk to this Blog couldn't think of anything so I decided to show off my desktop on my laptop. I used some stuff from mainly Object Dock and WindowBlinds.

I don't like having icons on my desktop because it covers my background pictures so they are all on the docks that I have expanded on the first picture but usually they are hidden like in the second picture. the one on the top has multiple tabs so I can have as many shortcut I want on it. Also have a few widgets down the right side including Pandora, I would highly recommend that you use the Pandora widget rather than the website if you have Windows 7 or Vista because it doesn't play any of the ads while listening. lastly I used Windowblinds to change the texture of the taskbar at the bottom, right now I'm just using the trial of Windowblinds because I'm not sure if it's worth the $20 to buy it just for that. but the Object Dock is well worth the money. There is a free version that you can get that lets you add 1 dock like the one on the left side of my screen. Also love the window preview they added to 7.

(after posting this I noticed that the pictures are super small so I'll fix it another time.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

I Hate Social Media

As suggested by the title I hate social media, yes this does include blogs. So why in the world do I have one you may ask? Well I love computers and just about everything to do with them and I love to learn to do things with computers and like most everything I know about computers I have learnt by doing so here I am, doing.