Congratulations it's a... Blog?

Congratulations it's a... Blog? Well now that it's here I really don't know what to do with it. Guess we will see...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Battle Browser

Battle Browser update!

I'll probably start my first contestant with IE starting next week, just had to sort out my arbitrary rating system. It will be divided into several categories rated on a scale from 1-10. 1 is bad and 10 is good. Keep in mind that 5 isn't bad but it's also not good it's just average. The ratings are based off of my opinion and how I would rate them so based off my experience of rating things I would expect that we won't see a 10 very often and as a result I doubt any of the browsers will get a 10 overall. Also I wouldn't expect to see a 1 at least not on the top 3 browsers. If i can't decide on a number you might also see a half (.5) in the score I won't get down to anything more or less than that. (so no 6.0034 scores sorry if you were hoping to see a browser that is better by some inconsequential fraction) Along with the ratings I'll go over a few brief details of the browser that will hopefully be a little interesting as well as general pros and cons of the browser.

Heres how the ratings will go, each with come with a description on why I think it get's the score it does.

Performance: Make note that this is the performance of the browser not your internet connection. If you have a slow connection a browser will have little impact on how fast you can load pages. (I'll make a tip of the week on how to work with slower connection speeds)

Looks: This how good the default look is as well as the ability to change the looks.

Customization: This would be things like add remove buttons, add bars, other settings and such.

Stability: How often it crashes, also be doing a spam check by opening as many windows as quickly as possible to see if it crashes.

Security: This is how helpful it is in protecting you from viruses and other bad things and how much of a risk it is at being targeted by bad things.

Compatibility: There are some web sites that are not compatible with all browsers and require that you use a different one when accessing it. Compatibility is controlled by the website and not the browser but I still wanted to put this category in because it's reflected by the popularity of the browser and I'll cover that in another section that isn't rated.

Functionality: Does the browser have some special function that others don't? Also the way downloads are handled will be covered here.

Ease of use: This will be based on how easy it is used by the general public, as well if there is any thing special you need to do to set it up.

At the end I'll give it an overall score and maybe some more information if I feel like it. Also make note that this information may change as I continue onward if it does I'll be changing it for each of the past ones and put an update so you can check back. You can use the link on the right side of the blog to list all the posts for Battle Browser if you want to read or compare them.

(you also might have noticed I fixed the battle browser logo)

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